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Welcome to Our New Website!


Welcome, dear 350 Silicon Valley supporters and volunteers, to our new website!

A labor of love and money, finally in presentable form for your consumption.

Our hopes for this website are that it will vault us to heretofore unattained levels of being taken seriously, attract more new volunteers than we can handle, and inspire our already loyal members to help keep it beautiful, informative, thought-provoking, and searchable! In that spirit we welcome blog entries from all of you, perhaps written in a less giddy style than this one. But forgive me, I have spent many hours (and I am not alone!) in preparing for this moment.

Janet Cox has made massive contributions to this superior website, and I have learned a lot from her in the process. All our board members and numerous volunteers have also contributed their efforts, including our newest board member, Amanda Bancroft, and webmaster, Monika Gorkani. Monika has recruited Girls Who Code to take us on as a project! 

No doubt, you will find some errors, omissions, or things we simply haven't gotten to yet. As always, we welcome your observations and ideas, and hope you will find our new website a useful hub for climate action.

Please encourage your friends to check us out!

We look forward to channeling the energy, commitment, and creativity you all bring to this climate fight. Let's hope we will soon be switching into high gear at the federal level.

Yours in solidarity and passion,



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