what we do
Welcome to the 350 SV San José City Team Page! We hope you will join us in our efforts to make San José a more sustainable city. Together, we can unite our voices and demand that San José city legislators recognize the climate crisis we are facing. A few of our initiatives include improving transportation, ensuring food security and creating energy independence. We also seek to incorporate environmental justice in everything we do! Together we will create the change we want to see in this city.

Past Team Initiatives:
Vocalizing our support for the Natural Gas Ban that passed!
Collaborated with local farms to distribute 2,500+ seedlings to SJ families in need
Fought for the closure of Reid Hillview Airport to stop the lead exposure on E. San José residents

We still have a lot to do
to protect our city from
fossil fuels.
And it's going to take All of us.
our team is currently working on:
​​Promoting a San José Parking Reform to create a more bike and pedestrian friendly zoning
Opposing environmentally unsound San José projects including- The Lighttower Monument and new digital billboards
San José Divestment campaign


Learn more at our bi-weekly meetings on Thursdays at 7pm!
Meeting schedule: 2021
September 2nd, 16th, 30th
October 14th, 28th
November 11th
December 9th, 23rd
Interested in joining a meeting?
amanda Bancroft

San José Team Lead Amanda Bancroft has worked to develop and organize numerous environmental organizations including SFSU Green Students and Earth to the People.
Contact Amanda To Learn More